Heathers: The Musical , based on the cult-classic 1989 film, is a darkly comedic take on high school drama. When nobody Veronica Sawyer is accepted into the cool clique (consisting of three girls named Heather), at first she's thrilled to be popular, go to parties, and feel beautiful — but she can't stomach the cruelty the Heathers dole out. She finds connection with outsider JD, a cynical, well-read new student who's not afraid of violence. Before long, people are dying and Veronica is caught up in an increasingly complex web of lies and hypocrisy. How many people will die before she can find a way to put things right? The stage musical is a little different from the film; it starts with an earlier, more innocent Veronica and streamlines by combining some side characters. The musical can't quite capture the particular weirdness of the film and so leans instead into style, color, and lots of high belting (very popular in modern musical theater). But both the film and th...
Reviewing community theater shows in the Twin Cities